T-C Rotary has been proudly participating in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program for many years and we have many alumni around the world. This program builds peace—one young person at a time. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. These exchanges are for students ages 15-18 and are a year long coinciding roughly with our school year. T-C Rotary sponsors annually a local student to go on an exchange hosted by a participating rotary club in one of over 100 countries while also hosting a student from another country. 
Exchange students unlock their true potential to:
  • Develop lifelong leadership skills
  • Learn a new language and culture
  • Build lasting friendships with young people from around the world
  • Become a global citizen
Are you a local student interested in participating in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program?
Candidates are ages 15-18 and are leaders in their schools and communities. How do you pursue this amazing opportunity?
  1. Talk to your parents/guardians and get their approval and support.
  1. Connect with the T-C Rotary Club to discuss the opportunity and your application by clicking HERE.